2012年7月26日 星期四

我的記事本英文版的恢復已刪除的文件硬盤(硬碟)The English version of recover deleted files hard drive (hard drive)


刪除或丟失的文件?寶貴的數據丟失?快速,輕鬆地恢復刪除或丟失的文件!恢復已刪除的文件 - 數據恢復軟件將快速,輕鬆地恢復刪除的文件從Windows回收站中清空,或失去了應有的格式或c.ion的,系統意外關機或軟件故障。

恢復已刪除的文件掃描你的硬盤,並迅速顯示任何可以恢復的文件。 “還原已刪除的文件,結合了最強大的數據恢復引擎,使用簡單和速度,以一種獨特的能力一起”飛“看,而正進行搜索。”


我在維修過程留下很多還原區 Paration 的GHOST GHO ISO 檔 , 

The English version of recover deleted files hard drive (hard drive)

Deleted or Lost Files? Valuable Data Lost? Recover Deleted or Lost Files Quickly and Easily! Restore Deleted Files - data recovery software will quickly and easily Restore Deleted Files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or lost due to the format or c.ion, unexpected system shutdown or software failure.

Restore Deleted Files scans your harddrive and quickly shows any files that can be recovered. "Restore Deleted Files combines simplicity of use and speed with the most powerful data recovery engine, together with a unique capability of "on-the-fly" viewing while the search is being conducted."

Restore Deleted Files is fast and easy. No technical or data recovery software skill is required. Use Restore Deleted Files to perform hard drive data recovery, or Restore Deleted Files from floppy disk, zip drive, compact flash, smart media or other removable media.

During maintenance, I left a lot to restore the District Paration the the GHOST GHO ISO file
Upload so much space the files is very time-consuming
, Etc. I find that you can put so much free space, I would like to add URL.

Click Here!

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